These are her pretty rufflySunday underwear- they look really cute under a dress!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday Undies!
These are her pretty rufflySunday underwear- they look really cute under a dress!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
late again!
Jake had a good father's day. The girls have all enjoyed the presents that he got. I gave him a croquet set and the girls could hardly wait for him to get home from work on Monday so they could play. They played 3 or 4 times this week.
Jake showing the girls how it is done
Olyvia and Juliana gave Jake a Rummikub game. Christena and Savannah love to play this game and Monday morning they took these pictures with my camera.
Savannah likes to be the look a like for the wild's.
I thought this picture of Juliana was cute- I think she was a little bored with our dinner conversation! Well I hope everyone has had a great two weeks- hopefully it won't take me another two weeks before I blog again.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Calling in Stupid!
Christena and Savannah were going to come to work with me so they would be able to see their friends from their old school and Olyvia and Juliana were going to go to my friend Rachel's house like they did every Tuesday. Tuesday's I also have to drop of my hats for the week at Hat's with Heart, so I usually do that on my way to work. Things have a way of not going as planned, however.
Tuesday morning we all got up and dressed and at 10:15 we were ready to go. I went into my room to grab the keys while the kids all headed to the car, only to find my keys were not where I had left them the night before!
I knew I had put my keys on top of the armoire in my bedroom the night before when I went in to change into my pajamas but they weren't there. I looked around the armoire to see if they had fallen on the floor and looked underneath to see if they had been kicked underneath-nothing. 15 minutes more of frantic searching I called Jake to see if he had taken them, or moved them or had any idea where they may have gone- of course he hadn't seen them either, but asked if I may have left them out in the garage the night before when I went to get somethings out. The only problem-we had a lock on the garage and the key was on my key ring! I tried to cut the lock off, but only had little wire cutters-didn't work. Next I tried to take the bolt off the garage- all I succeeded in doing was rounding off the bolt. 30 minutes later, after calling in to work to tell them I was going to be late- I headed back inside for another shot at my bedroom. This time I cleared everything off the top of my dresser and under and around it. When by 11:15 I still hadn't found my keys I called Jake again and he said he would leave work and come home to open the garage.
After he opened the garage we found...nothing! He came inside and helped to look for the keys. About an hour later ta-da...
My keys! (sorry the picture is sideways)
Jake said he had got to thinking where I may have put my keys if I hadn't put them on the armoire like I said (and still insist) that I had put them, and he figured I may have dropped them on the bed.
He had to sift through all of the other stuff we had thrown on the bed in our frantic search, and there under a blanket was my keys! They had to have been there all night!
At this point it was already 12:15 I was supposed to get off work at 1:00. Factor in the 15 minutes it takes for me to drive there, I didn't make it. So instead I called in stupid and got to work on Wednesday instead. On the plus side that meant there were no kids to have to fight with!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Summer is here!
Last Tuesday was my 29th birthday- I figured I can admit to my age since I am still under 30. My kids informed me you are not old until you hit 30 (Sorry for everyone over this age!) They also said that 30 is old but 40 is officially old. I haven't figured out what happens after 40!
Savannah insisted on making my birthday cake. So I baked it before I went to work so it had time to cool and after Jake came home from work he helped her to make the frosting. Savannah wanted to do all the decorating herself and kept sending Jake out of the kitchen.
Here is the finished product-
Here is me with a few of my birthday gifts! These two are from Jake. The girls all gave me earrings.
This picture is one Jake snapped of Juliana doing her favorite past time...